coloured apron hovering above the floor of the room coloured apron hovering above the floor of the room Julia Griffiths Jones2017-01-20T13:29:42+00:00 coloured apron hovering above the floor of the roomJulia Griffiths Jones2017-01-20T13:29:42+00:00
clothing suspended in the corner of the room clothing suspended in the corner of the room Julia Griffiths Jones2017-02-28T11:52:00+00:00 clothing suspended in the corner of the roomJulia Griffiths Jones2017-02-28T11:52:00+00:00
Toril Brancher,photographer came to Slovakia with me this summer to document my room installations Toril Brancher,photographer came to Slovakia with me this summer to document my room installations Julia Griffiths Jones2017-02-28T11:53:45+00:00 Toril Brancher,photographer came to Slovakia with me this summer to document my room installationsJulia Griffiths Jones2017-02-28T11:53:45+00:00